Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lots to think about...

We got to share our vision for adoption with our home church family this past Sunday. To be honest, we were a little apprehensive sharing something so personal in a public way. Thankfully, people were encouraging, supportive, and interested in what we're doing.

On a side note, today we got our first phone call from a Christian adoption agency telling us that a birth-mom saw our profile and was interested in us! It's remarkable as we've had our completed application into the agency for only 7 days! Regretfully, we had to decline because we aren't in a financial position today to commit as of yet. However, we know that God has the child chosen for our family, and He's big enough to provide the necessary finances in His time.

It's amazing to think that our future baby is more than likely already conceived and in a birth-mom's belly somewhere in the US. We pray for the baby's health as well as the birth-mom's health, decision-making, and relationship with Christ.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Journey

I am new to this whole blogging thing. You'll have to bear with me as I become a "blog-master". Greg and I are collecting our thoughts and feelings and I will do my best to convey our heart. The big news is that we are planning to adopt a baby. We are very excited at just the thought of welcoming a new baby into our family!

Those of you who know us personally know how in love we are with our daughter Anna. She's 4 1/2 now, and is super excited at the idea of being a big sister. In the last couple years, we've also had the amazing oportunity to be foster parents of two beautiful baby girls. Although they were with us only temporarily, we thank God for the opportunity to have shown His love and care to both baby girls. We cherished the special moments we shared, and loved seeing how Anna embraced them.

Over the past year, we've felt God's tug at our hearts to grow our family through adoption. After prayer and consideration, we are confident that God has called us to private domestic adoption. This was not an abrupt decision... in fact, it's been a decision made over some time with lots of prayer and discussion.

Here are the facts:
Adopting domestically (in the US)
Likely adopting a girl
Adopting child of any race
Likely adopting a newborn
Homestudy and application paperwork completed
Expecting to adopt this year (2010)

As you may be aware, adoption in the US is very expensive. My business mind tells me the "barriers to entry" for adoption are way high; but, my God tells me that He is big enough!!! We are currently in the process of fundraising and are excited to see how God provides. This scripture reminds me of God's willingness to fulfill his purposes.

"With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ." 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 (NIV)

As we continue on this exciting journey, please keep the baby, birthmom, and us in prayer. We will update as we have new developments. In the mean time, please adoptablog!

*Please browse all the way to the bottom of this page for some of my favorite adoption links.

Email Jess - jessi.oneil@gmail.com